Welcome! I am Kristen. I opened my salon Body Bar in 2001. Over the last 23 years, I have come to specialise in all things skin. I have studied Kinesiology and Functional Nutrition along with so many skin courses it would make your head spin. These tools help strengthen my skin consultation and analysis, and aid product prescription and selection.
My consultations are thorough. I want you to understand how everything works and what to expect. This way there are no grey areas. I give you my word that anything I recommend for you is truly because you will benefit from it. Not because I am trying to make budget.
I choose to work with Dermaviduals skincare, and practice corneotherapy. Dermaviduals is customisable, which means I have endless serums, cleansers and moisturisers to work with, and that you have something created perfectly for your skin for the now. Your skin and life will be forever changing and now your skincare can be too.
My philosophy on life is one of balance - so much easier to achieve now that I'm in my 40's. Eat the cake, but move your body. Work hard, but make time to look after yourself and have fun. Spend on great skincare and use it everyday, don't waste your dollars on unnecessary and unfruitful treatments.
In an effort to achieve better balance in my life, I now work from home. This helps me to maintain professionalism in a relaxed environment. It also means I don't have to worry about distractions like phones, staff and other clients coming and going. You and I, are one on one.